Announcements for November 10, 2019

Call Committee Member Application Process

The Call Committee member application process is initiated! You are invited to submit an application to place your name into the pool of names for consideration to be a member of the Call Committee to search for the next Pastor of St. Paul Lutheran Church.

Application forms are available here, in the Church office, and also at the Information Center in the Church fellowship hall.

(Also, If you know of someone whom you believe would make an excellent member of this committee, we ask you to share that person’s name with Liz Hanson, Congregation President or with Interim Pastor Brian Mortenson and they will follow up accordingly with invitation for involvement.)

If you feel called to place your name into consideration, thank you! Please put completed application in a sealed envelope to the church office, to the attention of: “CONFIDENTIAL: Call Committee Application- c/o Liz Hansen”.

The Call Committee will consist of six voting members of St. Paul Lutheran Church. The ballot with names of six individuals will be selected from the pool of applications by the Council, and will then be presented to the Congregation for vote.

We will include one member of the Council in order to provide consistency and continuity with the charge given to the committee.

The last day to submit an application will be November 17th.

Call Committee Application Form

Calling all Crafters, Creative Persons & Bakers!

It is Holiday Hop Season so be thinking of crafts, projects and baked items (especially pies).  We are featuring the gently used room again if you have items for it.  We are also having the Cookie Walk so will need cookies for it.

The Hop is Saturday, November 23 so it is right around the corner.  Please contact Liz Hansen at 462-3987 or Rox Ann Rhoads at 462-2510.

Faith Formation 101

Join Jesus’ Apprentices in Faith Formation 101, this year’s Sunday evening adult study. Input from the group who met Sunday, October 6, identified areas of interest for biblical study and personal growth. This is reflected in Paul’s words to the Ephesians 4:1 –  “I urge you to live a life worthy of the calling you have received.” Specifically, Faith Formation 101 will include :

  • Enhancing our prayer lives with the book Quiet: Hearing God Amidst the Noise
  • Reading the book of Ephesians together as our biblical foundation
  • Identifying our spiritual gifts.

Sessions will be held the first and third Sundays, starting November 3 and running through March 15, 2020, from 5:15-7:15 pm. Snacks are shared among the participants. There will be a small fee for materials.

Please contact Brenda Hollingsworth or Ann Bartelt with any questions. Let either Brenda, Ann, or the church office know of your intention to join this small group experience in growing closer to God.  Everyone is welcome!

Hanging of the Greens Service | December 1,  6:00pm

The Christmas season is very close.  And, with that thought, we would like to remind everyone about our worship service called Hanging of the Greens where we finish decorating the church sanctuary, sing Christmas hymns, and review how some of the Christmas traditions came to be.  There is a need for help with this service.  We need people to read scripture, read the meaning of a tradition, read a responsive reading, help with greeting, help with children setting up the Poinsettias and help the children finish putting the Chrismons on the Christmas tree.  Please look for the clipboard with a sign-up sheet on the ushers table.  If you sign up to help, please add your email address to your name so your part can be emailed to you.  If you have any questions, please contact Ruthanne Korte, 641-765-4468, 515-975-5241,

CRISP is gearing up for winter wear distribution. 

CRISP has been blessed with many coats, boots, hats and gloves, however, they are a little short on snowpants this year.  They are particularly short on children sizes 6-6X, 7-8, 10-12 and adult sizes small, medium, large and x-large.  They DO NOT have to be new, but they would ask that they be in good condition.  Please call Amy Nolan at 515-462-9400 if you have any questions.

Time for Operation Christmas Child shoeboxes!

Start collecting items to place in your boxes and lets make this a project that everyone can get involved in. We will be sending the boxes home to be filled and then returned to the church by Nov 17th. If you have any questions feel free to contact Lonna Nielsen at 515-210-4086.

Tour of Homes  |  Saturday, December 7th

Get excited – it’s on the calendar!!  The bi-annual Tour of Homes is scheduled for Saturday, December 7th.  We have several amazing houses and a business on this year’s tour.  As part of this event, we would like to do a Festival of Trees, where we auction off decorated trees.  If you, or a group of you, would be willing to donate a decorated tree for auction, please contact Sheila Stewart at / 515-468-1464 or Cathy Hollingsworth at 515-462-4746.   Also, if you have either the decorations or a spare tree, let us know and we will help find someone to pair you with.   Thank you for your support!


At the direction of the Church Council we are going to have a task force to review our security in the church.  This will look at property and confidentiality issues.  If you would be willing to be on this task force, please let Meisha know.  If you have any questions, please talk with task force chairperson, Jerry Swanson.


Over in the CRISP office, they have come across a pretty good price of $16.99 for kids snowpants and are hoping to find some snowpant “sponsors” so they can purchase some of the sizes they are extremely short on.  Snowpant sponsor checks can be mailed to CRISP at 210 W. Green Street, Winterset.  THANK YOU!!!   Please call Amy Nolan at 515-462-9400 if you have any questions.

Children’s Christmas Musical  |  Sunday, December 15th @ 5:00pm

It’s that time of year to begin rehearsing for this year’s Christmas children’s musical!  This year’s musical to be performed Sunday, December 15th at 5:00pm is called “Arrest These Merry Gentlemen” and is sure to be a fun and festive take on the Christmas story.

All ages 1st grade and older are welcome!   Grades 1-6 will rehearse during God Squad on Wednesday evenings and Saturday mornings beginning October 23rd.  Grades 7 and UP are welcome to attend our 9:00—10:30am Saturday morning rehearsals.

Saturday rehearsals will be held on the following days:  November 9, November 16, November 23, December 7 and December 14.

Please contact Carolyn Petsche at 515.229.5685 or the church office at 515.462.4270 if you have any questions.

Sign up for MUSICAL FUN


Annual Harvest Hamball Dinner |  THANK YOU!!

Thank you to everyone who volunteered your time, food or monetary support for our annual Fall Harvest Ham Ball Dinner last Saturday night!    Due to all of you pulling together we were able to serve almost 300 people, making a profit of almost $3,000.  I couldn’t ask for a better group of cooks and volunteers who make it all look easy!  Every single person I reached out to for additional help said yes!  As promised, the profit will go toward paying off our new audio visual system note.   Thanks again!!

Chili Cook-Off | THANK YOU!!

Congratulations to Mary Anderson for having her chili voted as the best during the Stewardship Committee’s Chili Cook-off and Bake Sale. Thank you to everyone who helped out and also to everyone who sampled the chili and purchased baked goods!